Monday, February 7, 2011

QUT~here i come!

i and my other 55 frens will be flying off to Brisbane on february 14th,insya Allah..=)
Alhamdulillah,all the hardworks,esaimenss,homeworks,tense,stress,tears,sweat,printer ink,printer paper,binding comb,file storage and wutnot have been paid off.
only Allah knows how insecure i felt once i decided to take this twinning program course since the very my mom i used to tell that i may not be able to pass and set my foot on Australia ground because of my low marks n cgpa.but Alhamdulillah,with berkat doa from my family and everyone supporting me,i passed the test to get to there.still,i know i have so many things lacking inside me.and i'll make sure that i use this opportunity to give everything i have to improve myself.=')

*this song was and will always be my companion during one of those hard days

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