Monday, February 7, 2011

welcome home~

this post will be a tribute to Malaysian students and citizen who juz came back from egypt due to ketegangan yang happens over there at the moment.
well,i dun have the authority to comment much on the situation but i'm very thankful to Allah,that all Malaysians are safe.Alhamdulillah.
and oh ya,my cousin is one of the students who juz came back.=)
for those of you who want to keep updated about the Malaysians condition in Egypt,u can follow this page 'Selamatkan pelajar dan rakyat Malaysia di Mesir' on facebook.well,there are many other pages lagi sebenarnya..=).tapi,this is one of the best i think.

*Alhamdulillah by Maher Zain(i do not own this)

QUT~here i come!

i and my other 55 frens will be flying off to Brisbane on february 14th,insya Allah..=)
Alhamdulillah,all the hardworks,esaimenss,homeworks,tense,stress,tears,sweat,printer ink,printer paper,binding comb,file storage and wutnot have been paid off.
only Allah knows how insecure i felt once i decided to take this twinning program course since the very my mom i used to tell that i may not be able to pass and set my foot on Australia ground because of my low marks n cgpa.but Alhamdulillah,with berkat doa from my family and everyone supporting me,i passed the test to get to there.still,i know i have so many things lacking inside me.and i'll make sure that i use this opportunity to give everything i have to improve myself.=')

*this song was and will always be my companion during one of those hard days

comeback demi comeback


my biggest fat lie to my blog/tumblr is to keep updating once i make my long-time-no-post comeback.

this time pon dun dare to promise posting actively.=')

p/s:next posting teaser is the pikcha.*konon*xp