yesterday went to Times Square 2gether wif 11 of my classmates..
first time outing 2gether ramai2 cmtu
we went to play bowling sempena bufday 2 of them..
u know wat?tis is my very first time playing bowling!
we played 2 games n guess who was the loser for the first game?it was me!!(cam bangga lak bunyinyer,hahahhaa)
nak tau how many point i've got for the first game?11 jerrrrr!!(loser nyer aku,ley jd ratu longkang boling da..huhuhu)..
msuk je 2nd game,ngn semangat yg b'kobar2,diiringi kata2 semangat n tips2 from my frens,i hayunkan bola,dgn gaya yg tersendiri(action je lebih,hahaha),bola pun bergolek ngn cntiknyer,n,yessssssssssssssssssss strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!weehoo...(cam nk nangis pun de,hehe)..
n kesudahannyer,untuk 2nd game i jd pemenang kedua dgn 81 point,(tenkiu2,hehe)..
terima kasih kpd ieda n tiyah yg sudi jd mentor n menyokong diblkg setiap kali giliran i..hehehe.
point terakhir..mine yg 81 tu..huhuhu
in front of the giant pin bowl
detik2 my strike..the left one..=D
my rumate n i..
wif ain n mawar..(seb bek tulang mawar x ptah,huhu)
TS entrance...
the first round,xterkira bape kali msuk longkang daa..
tyah,ain,ida,mawar,n ad.
posing FC2.3 girls at TS entrance..
penyokong kuat a.k.a my mentor..presenting,Tyah..hihi
(xsmpt amk gmbr ngn ida,sowi ida..)